Dunaway Scholarship

The Board of Trustees of the Friends of Georgia Archives & History established the Sarah O. Dunaway Scholarship in memory of one of its greatest friends.  Over the years, Sarah consistently supported the Georgia Archives and its work.  She felt strongly that the records of our heritage should be preserved and FOGAH honors her by supporting training for those who work with historical records.  The Dunaway scholarship provides tuition for a student to attend the annual Georgia Archives Institute and one year’s membership in the Friends of the Georgia  Archives.

The Georgia Archives Institute

Established in 1966 and designed for beginning archivists, manuscript curators, and librarians, the Georgia Archives Institute offers general instruction in basic concepts and practices of archival administration and management of traditional and modern documentary materials. The GAI is committed to the professional development of archivists in Georgia and to the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and strives to help foster careers in archival administration. The GAI welcomes applicants of all backgrounds interested in advancing their archival education and experience. 

2025 Information

Check out the post below for the 2025 Call for Applications.

Scholarship Eligibility

Individuals who work or volunteer at any level in an archival institution in Georgia and graduate students preparing for a career in archives at a college or university in Georgia.  Georgia citizens preparing for a career in archives at a college or university outside of Georgia will also be considered.  Preference will be given to applicants without access to institutional support for attendance.  You must apply to the Georgia Archives Institute and be accepted to receive the Dunaway Scholarship.